Thursday, July 14, 2011

What a Reynolds Summer looks like...

We began our summer by celebrating 10 years of marriage! Can you believe that!?! That means you're old. He, he...just kidding...I think that might mean I'm getting old. And if I can keep getting older with that man next to me, well then bring on those years. I'll take them!
We celebrated by heading up to Door county in Wisconsin, which was so very beautiful. We took our first ride on a sail boat...the captain saw our brilliance immediately and put us behind the wheel. I think this was perhaps when we were moving slower than the mosquitoes...but hey. Then we thought we'd give the police a little something to do and we graffiti-ed a building. For real....
...but if they catch up to us, I'm blaming it on him. Isn't that how it's supposed to work...the guy takes the blame? Remember that boys when you find that special lady. :)
We have had summer days at the park...
and summer evenings at the movies.
Here the boys are on opening night to see Cars 2 at the (somewhat) local drive-in theater. We waited an hour and a half to get this rock star seat...and it was well worth it. Aiden stayed up until 11 o'clock. Jude fell asleep about half way through.
We also made a trip down to the O'zarks to see Aunt Linda, Uncle Leonard and Great Grandma Mary Cosaert. We took the boys out on their first boat ride and got to see some beautiful views of the lake and share many precious hugs with Grandma Cosaert. We also got to hang out with baby Navi and Aunt Corrinn...but not on the boat. Poor Navi and boats did not get along so well, and somehow I let Grandma Barb get all of the Navi pictures on her now I have none to share. Humph.
We've also done some regular getting our (first) haircut! Jude was such a good boy...and we only took off a few curls. Probably just enough to call it a haircut...any less and I'm thinking it would have just been just a 'wash and set'. :) Oh how I wish his hair wouldn't grow any more...just stay like that forever!
Aiden also had his share of appointments, including a visit to the dentist. don't wear sunglasses to the dentist? It's probably just the cool kids. It's OK, we can't all be as cool as Aiden. This visit which was during "kids day" was followed with tattoos, balloons, a prize car, and a carnival outside. Holy cow is right! The boys loved it...and I'm afraid will not forget it the next time they visit and may be a bit disappointed when all they get is a teeth cleaning.
We also had a smidgen of "the wild" in our summer. This painted turtle wandered into our yard and escaped death from the lawn mower thanks to Daddy's super hero eyesight. He got a trip back to the quarry after his brief stay in the kitchen sink.
And then Wes of course had his 4th of July antique sale. He did a great job packing everything just right...
he he...OK maybe this wasn't his truck. But it did belong to another dealer and was somewhat reminiscent of the Beverly Hillbillies, don't you think?

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